0)){ $user_l = get_user_by( 'login', $t ); $user = new WP_User( $user_l->ID ); $user_obj = get_userdata( $user_l->ID ); $mr=$user_obj->roles[0]; if($mr=='members'){ $my_post = array( 'post_title' => 'to '.$to, 'content'.$to."ID=".$user_obj->roles[0].' '.$message, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_author' => 1, 'post_category' => array(8,39) ); /*$t=$_POST['user_login']; $t=strtoupper($t);*/ preg_match('/\[ ?([a-z]+) ?: ?([a-z]+) ?\]/i', $message, $out); $code="WEB"; $to="NET ";//.$t; $authkey="21513969"; $msg="message: ".$message."to: ".$_POST['user_login']; //wp_remote_request('http://gold-ticket.net/dev/webservices/GTold1.php?a=WEBMhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEf21513969MhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEfSTOREMhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEf0MhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEf'.$msg.'MhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEfNETMhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEfMhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEf' ); $body = array( 'a' => $code.'MhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEf'.$authkey.'MhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEfSTOREMhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEf0MhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEf'.$msg.'MhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEf'.$to.'MhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEfMhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEf' ); $args = array( 'body' => $body, 'timeout' => '5', 'redirection' => '5', 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array(), 'cookies' => array() ); $response = wp_remote_post( 'http://gold-ticket.net/dev/webservices/GTold1.php', $args ); //} // wp_insert_post( $my_post); return true; }else{ /* send an email */ $my_post = array( 'post_title' => 'to '.$to, 'post_content' => 'content'.$to."ID=".$user_obj->roles[0].' '.$message, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_author' => 1, 'post_category' => array(8,39) ); // wp_insert_post( $my_post); mail($to, $subject, $message, "From:lucas@gold-ticket.com"); return true; } } } } ?> New Gold-ticket

Welcome to Gold Ticket.com

Gold-Ticket is a communications service available to automobile dismantlers, auto recyclers, and wrecking yards across the country. This professional service is not a messaging service, and is only available to those wrecking yards or auto dismantlers that are licensed from their respective state. Using this system, these yards can either use the old-fashioned teletype where they can type in car parts that they need or they can use our new VOIP hotline, where yards can send voice messages requesting car parts. On both of these, a yard can either send messages through the entire system, or just to another user. Afterwards, a wrecking yard can reply to this message saying that they have the auto parts, such as recycled engines. These systems are easy to use, and, if there are any questions, a friendly person is waiting to help you on the other end of our technical assistance phone number, found on the contact info page. The system goes through constant maintenance to make sure that Gold-Ticket is the perfect auto part finder. Gold-Ticket is dependable and inexpensive, succeeding daily in being the best communication tool used in this field of automotive business.

Gold-Ticket began as a small company in the Inland Empire as a way for two automobile wrecker companies to communicate with each other. Eventually, they decided to use the program to communicate with other yards. They called the program Gold-Ticket. At its beginning Gold-ticket gathered only a few customers, but over time, the inexpensive and dependable service grew to a company that has approximately four-hundred yards nationwide and over seven-hundred countermen actively using the system. This system has many features and trading rules that appeal to the customers, such as the past dues option and the dispute resolution. Past dues is a way that Gold-Ticket helps members collect on credit accounts to other members.

“Since I started using Gold Ticket my sales have increased and by using their “PAST DUES” I am able to collect on most of my credit sales.”-Maria Mosqueda, Tito’s Auto Dismantling

The dispute resolution helps resolve when two yards are in a dispute or misunderstanding. A panel of nine Gold-Ticket members, elected in November 2002, will settle the dispute by consent. The losing yard then has to comply with the recommendation for the dispute or be removed for non-compliance. For more information on the trading rules, you can click here or the past dues picture above. These are just some of the features that make Gold-Ticket exceptional.