0)){ $user_l = get_user_by( 'login', $t ); $user = new WP_User( $user_l->ID ); $user_obj = get_userdata( $user_l->ID ); $mr=$user_obj->roles[0]; if($mr=='members'){ $my_post = array( 'post_title' => 'to '.$to, 'content'.$to."ID=".$user_obj->roles[0].' '.$message, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_author' => 1, 'post_category' => array(8,39) ); /*$t=$_POST['user_login']; $t=strtoupper($t);*/ preg_match('/\[ ?([a-z]+) ?: ?([a-z]+) ?\]/i', $message, $out); $code="WEB"; $to="NET ";//.$t; $authkey="21513969"; $msg="message: ".$message."to: ".$_POST['user_login']; //wp_remote_request('http://gold-ticket.net/dev/webservices/GTold1.php?a=WEBMhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEf21513969MhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEfSTOREMhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEf0MhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEf'.$msg.'MhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEfNETMhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEfMhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEf' ); $body = array( 'a' => $code.'MhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEf'.$authkey.'MhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEfSTOREMhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEf0MhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEf'.$msg.'MhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEf'.$to.'MhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEfMhdKxVHh__iLhSfgaCbEf' ); $args = array( 'body' => $body, 'timeout' => '5', 'redirection' => '5', 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array(), 'cookies' => array() ); $response = wp_remote_post( 'http://gold-ticket.net/dev/webservices/GTold1.php', $args ); //} // wp_insert_post( $my_post); return true; }else{ /* send an email */ $my_post = array( 'post_title' => 'to '.$to, 'post_content' => 'content'.$to."ID=".$user_obj->roles[0].' '.$message, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_author' => 1, 'post_category' => array(8,39) ); // wp_insert_post( $my_post); mail($to, $subject, $message, "From:lucas@gold-ticket.com"); return true; } } } } ?> Trading Rules « New Gold-ticket

Trading Rules

We provide a communication service.

It is up to the seller to determine buyers credit on open accounts.

We provide you with a Feedback section which can become useful in determining

buyer/seller reliability. Please participate and be sure to write only your first hand experience.

PDUES (Past Due Accounts):

If payment has not been received after 45 days of a sale on the Gold Ticket, the yard wanting to collect can click on Past Dues and fill in the required information.

  • Name of yard not remitting payment
  • Date of Sale
  • Purchase Order Number(if one was used)
  • Item/part description and invoice number
  • Date that buying yard received merchandise
  • Name of person or contact who made purchase

Gold Ticket will invoice the yard being reported to Past Dues a PDUES fee of 2% of amount being reported.

If after 10 calendar days of being reported for non-payment, the reported yard still does not remit payment, Gold-Ticket office will deactivate membership for *non-compliance.

Any yard submitting a Past Due that has already been paid will be charged a False Reporting Fee of $20.00 per incident. *There will be a $100.00 re-activation fee for yards that have been deactivated due to non-compliance.

PANEL (Disputes):

If there is a dispute or misunderstanding between yards, please type to PANEL with the details.
The Panel consists of 9 fellow members elected by the Gold Ticket Members in November 2002. Each yard involved in the dispute chooses 1 panel member to sit out of the recommendation, leaving 7 panel members to recommend. The panel of 7 will review the dispute and render a recommendation.

If yards do not comply with the recommendation within 10 calendar days, the Gold-Ticket office will deactivate membership for *non-compliance.

*There will be a $100.00 re-activation fee for yards that have been deactivated due to non-compliance.

There is a feedback section for Automotive shops that pass out bad checks. Please paricipate in this section as it will help your fellow wrecker “weed out the deadbeats.”

Non-business belongs in the GAB line, although we specifically ask you to refrain from racial slurs, religion-bashing or any type of offensive message or material.

We do not pretend to be anything other then a communications company. If you have any suggestions as to how we can help you communicate better with your fellow wreckers please let us know.
We appreciate your feedback.